In this installment of our podcast series, CTI Spotlights, CACTI Director Dan Herman interviews Dr. Dennis Culhane. Dr. Culhane’s contributions to CTI include studies of homelessness, at-risk veterans, and vulnerable youth and young adults transitioning from institutional care. Dr. Culhane believes there’s a cure for homelessness – listen to this podcast to hear how.
Reckoning with Homelessness – a two-day conference on what works from practice, policy, and research perspectives – will include a session on CTI.
Join us on Tuesday April 19th from 4 pm to 5:30 pm ET for the next installment of our webinar series that will address frequently encountered clinical challenges. The webinar format will consist of a panel of experts who will answer the most pressing questions on the topic.
Gerald Faundez was interviewed by Sally Conover and Sara Schilling about his experience as a peer support worker in Santiago, Chile, with Critical Time Intervention – Task Shifting (CTI-TS), an NIMH-funded randomized trial in Brazil, Argentina and Chile.
This week on t3 Threads: Changing the Conversation, Tom Bardwell & Collin Whelley share six reasons CTI might be just what your community needs.
Does your agency provide supportive housing? Is your agency interested in adopting Motivational Interviewing to improve outcomes for clients? If you answered yes to both of these questions, consider applying to be a part of the Center for Social Innovation’s Motivational Interviewing (MI) Simulator research study. This study will evaluate two new training tools that reinforce MI skills. Participating agencies will receive FREE face-to-face MI training and access to the two tools.
CACTI Director Dan Herman presented on CTI at the 2016 National Conference on Ending Family and Youth Homelessness in Oakland, California from February 18 to 19, 2016.
Please join us on February 2nd from 2 – 3:30 pm ET for Phase III of our webinar mini-series on the Phases of CTI. Following the same format as Phase I and Phase II, presenters will include providers and trainers who will utilize case studies to illustrate best practices for CTI.
In the second installment of our podcast series, CTI Spotlights, we interview Jeff Olivet. Jeff is an activist, writer, and the President and CEO of the Boston-based Center for Social Innovation, a center that brings together academic research, clinical practice and learning products and quickly moves information out into wide use in the field. His focus is on strategic planning, curriculum development, training and organizational development in the areas of health care and homelessness.
CACTI is excited to announce the launch of the CTI Global Network Facebook Group. This group is about harnessing the knowledge and experiences of people across the globe using CTI. It is a space for you to post your questions, and have others respond with their unique expertise and creative solutions. It is also a place for you to post your promising adaptations, ideas and research, and to share your knowledge and experience with others who can benefit from it.
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