In January of 2016, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced approval of the New Hampshire 1115 Medicaid Demonstration Waiver entitled “Building Capacity for Transformation.” A key element of the delivery system reform, envisioned in the waiver, is the formation of seven regionally based “Integrated Delivery Networks” established to implement projects to support meeting
Are you an experienced trainer and CTI practitioner interested in becoming a certified CTI trainer for your agency or team? If so, please consider joining trainers from CACTI this summer in Washington, D.C. for a 2-day “Train the Trainer” event. The training will take place July 21-July 22, preceding the National Alliance to End
Are you or your team interested in being trained in Critical Time Intervention? Our next live online training series led by t3 begins on March 12, 2018. The course, taught by clinical social worker and educator Bebe Smith, MSW, LCSW will run live for 90 minutes on Mondays from March 12 to April 9 from 1:00-2:00pm EST. Various continuing
Vivian Lyons, an epidemiology PhD candidate at the University of Washington, visited CACTI Global Network Director and CTI founder Sally Conover, MPH at CUNY Hunter’s Silberman School of Social Work campus on Tuesday, January 30th to take part in a fidelity review training. Ms. Lyons and her team were previously profiled on this site; they are leading an
In this installment of our podcast series, CTI Spotlights, we talk with Rachel Hopkins and Shane Hurst, LMFT and of Weber Human Services in Ogden, Utah. Rachel works as the Managed Care Case Management Supervisor and Shane as the Clinical Quality Supervisor. Weber Human Services serves the populations of Weber and Morgan Counties and is organized
As part of CTI’s ongoing work with the Maryland Collaboration for Homeless Enhancement Services (MD-CHES), Kris Wright of Maryland DHMH and Priya Arokiaswamy of EMP Center and CHES traveled to Hunter College in New York City this September to receive CTI-TTT (Train the Trainer) Training from CTI developer Sally Conover. Ms. Conover then visited
A group of clinicians and researchers in Seattle have adapted the CTI model to provide structured outreach to people treated for gunshot wounds at the Harborview Medical Center (HMC). In a cluster randomized trial led by Dr. Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, this six-month Helping Individuals with Firearm Injuries (HiFi) intervention is being compared to standard care among
In this installment of our podcast series, CTI Spotlights, we interview Rhonda Herndon (Practice Manager) and Sonja Haughton (Clinical Team Leader) of the CTI program at The Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD in Houston, Texas. The Harris Center is a collaborator in a county-wide Mental Health Jail Diversion Program that is the result
The RedeAmericas Conference was held on July 12-13, 2017 to launch the second phase of a regional mental health research hub under the leadership of Rubén Alvarado (O’Higgins University, Chile). At the conference, membership expanded from the original five countries to include four new ones. Sarah Conover (Director, CTI Global Network) led discussions about helpful online tools
CACTI collaborator Ben Noll of Friendship Place will present on CTI at the 2017 National Conference on Ending Homelessness hosted by the National Alliance to End Homelessness. Noll’s presentation is part of a workshop entitled Ensuring Housing Stability After Homelessness, scheduled for Wednesday morning of the three-day conference, which opens Monday, July 17th in Washington,
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