A collaboration between the New York State Office of Mental Health, the Center for Urban Community Services and the Columbia Center for Homelessness Prevention Studies will develop and test a modified version of CTI to enhance continuity of treatment, housing and community supports for adolescents being discharged from residential treatment facilities. These programs, which provide
New Mexico has become the first state to issue a request for proposals calling specifically for new programs using CTI to assist persons with mental illness in the transition from institutions, treatment programs, and other high-cost transitional programs to sustainable long term supportive living in the community. Value Options, Inc., the organization responsible for managing
Conceptualizing discharge from psychiatric emergency rooms (ER) as a “critical time” of transition, researchers at New York State Psychiatric Institute have launched Project Connect, a pilot program that adapts CTI for frequent users at New York Presbyterian Hospital, home to one of New York City’s busiest psychiatric emergency departments. In evaluating Project Connect, the research
CTI is now being implemented in Harris County, Texas with adults with SMI following discharge from the county jail. The project is being carried out by the mental health unit of the county sheriff’s office in collaboration with the local county Mental Health Association with training and consultation provided by the Center for Urban Community
German researchers based at Ulm University are conducting a multi-site randomized trial testing a brief intervention intended to ehance continuity of care for high utilizers of psychiatric services following discharge from inpatient treatment. Although the research team notes that the study was partially inspired by CTI, the model they are employing differs from CTI in
The Center for Social Innovation (formerly the Institute on Homelessness and Trauma) has launched a new initiative to provide online training for social workers on evidence-based practices. Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, this innovative effort will reach social workers who might not otherwise be able to access training, and improve care by
As part of the Science to Service initiative, SAMHSA annually recognizes provider organizations that successfully introduce evidence-based interventions into their practice. Since July 2005, the Institute for Community Living, Inc. (ICL), a large behavioral health agency based in New York City, has partnered with another New York based not-for-profit, CAMBA, in the implementation of Project
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