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Cornerstone Program for Transition-Age Youth and Young Adults

Cornerstone is a psychosocial program for youth transitioning to adulthood with serious mental health conditions. The program builds upon evidence-based practices to provide a consistent touchstone for young people during this developmental and systemic transition. With support from the National Institute of Mental Health, the program is currently being tested for feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary

CACTI Webinar: Combining CTI with Housing First and Rapid Re-Housing

On Wednesday, December 7th, CACTI hosted the most recent installment of its webinar series which addressed the intersections of Critical Time Intervention with the Housing First and Rapid Re-Housing models. The webinar was presented by Suzanne Wagner and Andrea White of Housing Innovations and Kara Capone, Chief Operating Officer of New Reach in New Haven, Connecticut. Presentations provided

CTI Workshop Held in Copenhagen

Along with Renee De Vet and Helle Thorning, CACTI director Daniel Herman led a CTI workshop on September 23 in Copenhagen at the 11th European Research Conference on Homelessness. The conference, co-sponsored by FAENTSA, the European Observatory on Homelessness and the Danish National Centre for Social Research, was attended by approximately 150 researchers, policymakers and